Band Pass Filter Calculator

This calculator is a more specialized version of the Bandpass Filter Calculator. I found that I was constantly going back to this design, even though it adds a resistor. Having the Ro and RQ1 resistors separate allows the Q and gain of the filter to be adjusted independently from the center frequency, which is an advantage under some circumstances.

The Q and gain are linked together - adjusting one affects the other. RQ1 and RQ2 resistors are adjusted proportionally. To increase the gain and Q, multiply Ro by a factor to get RQ1, and divide Ro by the same factor to get RQ2. The responses below were obtained for various values of Q and gain:


Enter Desired Center Frequency (Hz):
Enter Desired Q (and Gain V/V):
Select Resistor Sequence:
Select Capacitor Sequence:
Select Resistor Scale (Ohms):
C1, C2 (pF) Ro (Ohms)
Rq2 (Ohms) Rq1 (Ohms)